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We invite you to the National Repentance Prayer Meeting on September 11, 2021 in Nuremberg!

Our country is in a very critical situation, spiritually speaking. Germany has received inconcievable grace from God for decades, despite the greatest guilt. But where we should have learned from the guilt of the past, we must also confess as a Church: once again we are exalting ourselves above God instead of humbling ourselves before Him. We are only beginning to suspect how devastating the effects on family, politics and society are.
We call together the prayerful of the land,no matter what tradition or background, and ask God for His mercy and for time of repentance for Germany. Let us place ourselves anew under His rule, worship, honor and exalt our crucified and risen King.
Our God is a God of mercy. He wants to hear when we call out to Him!

For more information please click here!


14:00 - 17:00

Online bookings are not available for this event.