Do not worry,
but turn to God in every situation
and bring your requests before Him.
Philippians 4:6
I praise the wounds and the Blood of the Lamb,*
which heals the infirmities of my body,
which heals the infirmities of my soul,
which heals the infirmities of my spirit.
Worship to the Lamb of God who shed His blood for us in agony.
In His blood is forgiving power,
in His blood is cleansing power,
in His blood is solving power
in His blood is liberating power,
in His blood is victorious power,
in His blood is renewing power,
in His blood is preserving power.
Nothing is impossible to him who believes in the power of the Blood of Jesus.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb,*
which covers all my sins so that none remain,
that washes me clean from all my sins so that I become snow-white,
in which there is power to release me from all my bondages and chains of sin,
which is stronger than my own corrupt blood and conforms me to the Image of God,
in whom is victory over all powers that want to oppress me, over every enemy power,
that saves me from the cunning attempts of the enemy,
that the wedding dress prepares for me.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that makes everything, everything new. Hallelujah!
* Repeat before each following statement
My Father, I thank You,
that Your heart is only goodness and You will lead out what grieves me for good.
My father, I thank you,
that You have counted all the hairs on my head which means even the smallest thing passes through Your hands, and Your desire is to bless me and do me good.
My Father, You are a Father of Mercy and it grieves You when I am in need, I thank Thee, that You will therefore refresh me.
My Father, I thank You
for never forgetting me, Your child.
My Father, I thank You,
that You are a right father who cannot see His child sad, but must bring him comfort and help.
My father, I thank you,
that when you have to chastise your child, you will not tempt him beyond your means.
My Father, I thank You,
that You know what is good, wholesome and useful to me, and that You therefore always guide me rightly, as You also guide me.
My Father, I thank You,
I thank You that the poorer Your child is, the more You take pleasure in pleasing him or her and giving him or her gifts, and that my hardship and poverty provoke You to do so.
My Father, I thank You
that You want to make a dwelling in hearts that are broken by need and suffering. You let them become the scene of Your miracles and the place of revelation of Your presence.
My Father, I thank You,
that You listen to every request of Your child and none of my prayers are in vain.
My Father, I thank You,
that there is no need in my life in which You do not feel obliged to intervene for me in a fatherly way with Your Power and Help.
My Father, I thank You,
that in all my hardships I am enclosed by Your goodness, and it is not hardship that rules over me, but Your love.
My Father, I thank You,
that You are Almighty and therefore always have a way and a help in every need, whatever it may be. You, my Father, are greater than everything, greater than every need. Amen.
From: M.Basilea Schlink Prayer life
Our Dear Father,
we come to You in the great distress caused by the... catastrophe and bow before You, for we receive what our deeds are worth. We, our people, have brought about this judgment by our sin, which cries out to Heaven, yes, by blaspheming Your holiness, such as the earth has not seen before.
We beseech Thee
for the sake of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, have Mercy on us. on us. Grant us and many among our people, through Your Holy Spirit to awaken under this judgment.
We thank You
that we may knowthat it is Your lovingFather's hand that chastises us - for our salvation and that of our people.
We ask,
that people who do not know You or who have turned away from You begin to pray to You in this time of need - and to give thanks for every gift they receive.
We pray,
that many will now let themselves be saved from their old life and come to You, our Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray,
that You would give us all new repentance and contrition, so that You could turn Your judgment again in Mercy and end these great hardships.
We ask,
help us to buy out this chastisement in preparation for even heavier blows, by bowing ourselves deeply under Your hand now, fully joining our wills to Yours, and thereby becoming strong in union with You.
Our Father,
for the sake of the shed blood of Jesus Christ, have Mercy on us in this great trouble and hear our prayer for help. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I come to You because You call to me: "Come to Me...". I confess that I have sinned against You and against people. I bring You my failure ... (insert concrete) and ask You from my heart for forgiveness.
I turn back from my sinful attitude, my sinful talking, thinking and acting against You and people.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I now renounce these sins and the devil and his temptations.
Your archenemy, Lord Jesus, is also my archenemy. You died for me on the cross out of Love. I believe in Your redeeming blood that ransomed me from my sins and from Satan's power. Your blood wraps me and protects me from the attacks of demons.
To You, Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior, I commit my life today (anew). I want to live my life for Your glory and joy.
I know You are YES and AMEN and realize Your victory in me.
Lord Jesus Christ,
You I belong to, and You, I love. I want to obey and follow You. I give myself anew to Your way of the cross and humiliation.
To You, my God and Father, I belong and trust my temptations. For You are greater than all the power of Satan and his demons. You, my Father, are all-powerful. You can and will help me because You love me as Your child.
My Lord and God, I will trust You at all costs. To You I give myself anew to be obedient to You and Your commandments.
I want to remain Your property, Lord Jesus, and one day obtain the Crown of Life. You have set me free! I am redeemed! I believe you. Hallelujah, amen.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I confess to You that I am dominated by my sin attachments.
Before Your face, I cancel:
my arrogance and pride,
my envy and distrust,
jealousy, sensitivity,
self-righteousness and lies,
my bitterness,
my accusations and judgments,
all covetousness and evil desire,
all impurity,
every blasphemous and rebellious thought ...
In Your name, Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Power of Your shed Blood, these sins of mine are absolved.
My Lord Jesus Christ,
I am redeemed through faith in You, the triumphant Lamb of God. You are the Victor whom the Enemy must obey and flee from. The Deliverer through whom the power of my sin is broken.
My Lord Jesus Christ,
Let Your shed Blood be the partition between me and all the powers of the defeated enemy. I am redeemed by Your blood to do Your will. I belong to You alone.
Jesus, You are the victor!
Lord our God,
in this hour of fear and danger, we call to You who alone are our refuge and help.
We and our people have disobeyed Your commandments and sought our prosperity above all. We were not awake when criminality, occultism, blasphemy were on the rise and did little to counteract it. We have allowed violence and cruelty to run rampant in the mass media.
Now war threatens to plunge the world into chaos and terror. Lord, forgive us our sin and hear us in Your Great Mercy for the sake of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. Lord our God, You have allowed all this to happen. We ask that we and Your whole Church be shaken up by what we are experiencing now and awaken from our security and indifference.
Holy Spirit, awaken us always anew to repentance of our sin, especially of everything that promotes war, such as rebellion, bitterness and hatred.
Help us to true repentance, so that our prayers may rise from the depths of a humble heart and have Authority.
Lord Jesus Christ, You Strong Victor, we beseech You: bring war plans to nothing, as You said: "Decide on a plan - nothing will come of it" (Isaiah 8:10).
Lord, have mercy on us,
You alone are our Helper,
to whom power and authority
in Heaven and on Earth belongs to.
We ask You to prevent the use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Protect with Your precious blood all people who are threatened.
Lord, have mercy on us,
You alone are our Helper,
to whom power and authority
in Heaven and on Earth belongs to.
We ask You to thwart the plans of those who want war, even by making them disagree among themselves. Prevent planned bomb and missile attacks.
Lord, have mercy on us,
You alone are our Helper,
to whom power and authority
in Heaven and on Earth belongs to.
We ask You to protect all those who are involved in the peace negotiations. Guide their decisions by Your Holy Spirit and let their efforts lead to the goal.
Lord, have mercy on us,
You alone are our Helper,
to whom power and authority
in Heaven and on Earth belongs to.
We ask You to help governments and all those entrusted with upholding the law to stand firmly on the foundation of Peace and Justice despite provocation and threats.
Lord, have mercy on us,
You alone are our Helper,
to whom power and authority
in Heaven and on Earth belongs to.
Let fervent supplication begin everywhere in Your community, that You may yet have Mercy.
Heavenly Father, we thank You that we are in Your hand and in no other. To You alone belongs all Power in Heaven and on Earth.
Based on the "Prayer against Terrorism" by M.Basilea Schlink
© 2022 Publisher Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary e.V.,
P.O. Box 13 01 29, 64241 Darmstadt, G4a
Jesus speaks:
For where two or three are gathered
in My Name
there am I in the midst of them.
Matth 18,20
If we confess our sins,
He is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins
and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9