A community with more than 100 women from 19 nations... How does that work?
Living in Reconciliation
The secret is ...
… a revolving stage! Instead of finding fault and criticising some one else, we think, ”Where am I wrong?” When we ask this question, the scene may change completely. A popular book by our founder, Basilea Schlink has an unexpected title, REPENTANCE, THE JOY-FILLED LIFE. Strange perhaps, but true! Jesus first words when He began preaching were, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17), and His sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7) gives us many practical examples of how we can live this out
A new start...
Our large family, made up of women from 19 different countries – mostly with many differences in background, social standing and profession, could be a natural habitat for tensions. How do we manage to live together peacefully?
But we do manage – as long as each of us is willing to see ourselves as God sees us, and as others see us. Seeing the truth about ourselves is not devastating: it pushes us into the arms of Jesus. His forgiveness brings healing for our relationships with God and others. Experiencing forgiveness makes it easier for us to forgive others who offend us.
“Repentance” means changing direction and making a new start. Saying, “I’m sorry!” is the key to a life of joy and inner peace, and of living together in reconciliation. This is the life Jesus wants to give us. Click here for a short documentary on reconciliation between people from different countries...
Reconciliation is contagious...
Repentance goes a long way... When we repented for the wrongs committed during the last world war, those who had suffered often reacted graciously and were able to forgive Germany. But not just the Jewish people, God’s Spirit continued to lead us to repentance for what happened in Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, to name just some examples, and wounds were finally able to heal.
The sisters in our branches abroad experience the same. Whether among the indigenous peoples in Brazil, African Americans and First Nations peoples in USA, in far off Australia among Aboriginals or with Maoris in New Zealand … Reconciliation is certainly contagious!
Learning to live in repentance is the secret to personal liberation and the source of our happiness in every day life.
"A wonderful book. Many people think that repentance is a negative thing - but what's negative about getting rid of your sin? It's the most positive thing I can think of!"
Reader's comment from Australia
Some daily guidelines for living in community
As you wish others to treat you, so treat others - and you will fulfill a main commandment.
commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself.Matthew 7:12; James 2:8
Jesus says: Follow Me, fulfill My will and not yours. Whoever follows Jesus here on Earth, His desires and commandments, may follow Him in heavenly places at His side.
John 12:26;
1 John 2:17;
Revelation 14:1ff -
Live with your neighbor: rejoice with him, weep with him - and God's heart will open and weep with you when you are in sorrow, and Jesus will share and multiply your joy.
Mark 12:31; Romans 12:15;
1 Corinthians 12:26 -
Go to the one against whom you have something in your heart, or he against you, and be reconciled - and your prayer will penetrate through the clouds and have power.
Matthew 5, 23-24; Mark 11:25
Let no day go by without making the most of it by sowing love. Then you will reap the love of God both here and in eternity.
John 15:12; Galatians 6:7-8;
1 John 3:11 -
Do good to those who hate you - and God will shower you with Love.
Luke 6:27; Proverbs 25:21-22
Love your enemies as your friends - and you will be God's friend.
Matthew 5:44-45
Pray much for those who hurt and insult you - and God will reward you greatly in heaven.
Luke 6:22-23, 28
Remember: God gives sinners an opportunity to repent. So you are not lost in your sins and a burden to God and man. You can be a bringer of joy if you turn from your old ways in contrition. For there is joy in heaven over every sinner who repents.
Luke 15, 7.10
You do not build up the Kingdom of God when you insist upon your rights - instead, you destroy it. Insistence upon one's rights and quarelling are enemies of the Kingdom of God and of Christ. So choose peace - even at the expense of your rights - and you will be God's friend.
Matthew 5:25; 1 Corinthians 6:7; 1 Peter 3:9a
Excerpts from "The Joy of My Heart" by M.Basilea Schlink
Guidelines for daily life, based on the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.