The Power of Worship
In our present time there is one kind of prayer that overshadows all others: worship of the almighty Creator and immortal God. When we worship God in His infinite power, greatness and majesty, the devil is put to flight, and our hearts are filled with peace and trust
My father
I worship you.
You are without beginning and end, the Author of Life, Maker of all things.
You stand alone. Nothing, no one is like you, for You are eternal. The things of this world will cease to be, but You remain for ever. Who can can comprehend You? Who can fathom Your greatness?
We worship You!
From: M. Basilea Schlink, WORSHIP IN HIS PRESENCE
High in the Swiss mountains,
where the steepest mail run in Europe ends in a magnificent view of the Alps, there is a small chapel. Just as the road there is unlike most others, so are the words above the altar, taken from Revelation 14:7, an unusual choice:
"Worship him who made the heavens and the earth because the hour of his judgment has come."
read more ...
Change of position, life in God's sphere of protection
S. Joela Krüger
Questions we are often asked
Are members of the public welcome to join you for prayers?
Every Sunday we celebrate a service of Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in the Herald Chapel
Prayers in our Motherhouse Chapel
Every day at 3pm we have a short prayer at the hour of Jesus’ death to commemorate His Passion and (on Sundays) His Resurrection.
Thursdays, 7.45 - 8.45 (German only): prayer for the most urgent needs in our city, nation and the world with intercession and worship before Jesus.
Fridays 5.30 pm Prayer of repentance and blessing for Israel.
Freitag, 19.15- ca. 21.00 Uhr Freie Anbetung
Sunday 7.55 am Morning Prayer (liturgical)
Freie Anbetung

Report on our prayer gathering ahead of Mardi Gras
Adoration in the name of Jesus in prayer for Germany.

Mosaic in the chapel on the Griesalp. (Switzerland)
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