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Prayers and Worship Services

Worship services with Holy Communion

Our weekly church service is held on Sundays at 9.30am in the Herald Chapel) usually with Holy Communion (using individual cups). You can also listen to the sermons (in German) on our media library.

More information can be found under Events. 

You are welcome to join us and we look forward to meeting you.


Prayer times in our Motherhouse Chapel

Every day at 3 pm: we have a short prayer at the hour of Jesus’ death to commemorate His Passion and (on Sundays) His Resurrection


Thursdays 7.45 - 8.45am (German only): prayer for the most urgent needs in our city, nation and the world with intercession and worship before Jesus.

Freitag, 17.30 Uhr Buß-und Segensgebet für Israel

Freitag, 19.15- ca. 21.00 Uhr: Freie Anbetung

Sonntag, 7.55 Uhr : Liturgisches Morgengebet in der Mutterhauskapelle

Church Services

Herald Chapel

Kanaan with Sea of Galilee

Heidelberger-Landstraße 119

Worship and prayer for Germany