In 1944, a revival began among young people in war torn Darmstadt that in 1947, led to the establishment of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary under the leadership of Mother Basilea Schlink and Mother Martyria Madauss.
The "Cross and Crown of Thorns" is the sign of our community. At the foot of the cross we receive the forgiving love of Jesus every day, while the thorns are a part of Jesus' humiliation that becomes our part also when Jesus calls us to be His disciples.
Our ministry is to live in reconciliation with one another and to trust God for all that we need.
Prayer: We pray for our own countries, for God's people Israel, and for reconciliation among the nations.
Through the Internet and literature in many languages, we help to strengthen the Body of Christ in the challenges we face in our times. We also help Christians to be ready when Jesus returns.