Do you love me – more than anything else, more than anyone else? After His Resurrection, Jesus asked Peter this one question – a question that each of us must answer for ourselves. What we achieve is of less importance than what we become in every day life. At the heart of our vocation is our love for God.
For love of God
The Heart of Our Calling
No Career?
Committing to a religious vocation with no claim over a choice of career: a life of celibacy without personal property in today’s consumer driven society, is definitely a challenge. A life of discipleship is not always easy, but it is worth it.
The astonishing thing is that Jesus, God’s Son, longs for the love of ordinary people. He is the only One who can fulfil our heart’s deepest desires and He gives us the kind of joy that no one can take away from us. As our love for Him grows, so does our love for His Word and our desire to live as He has taught us through His Commandments.
Jesus’ Greatest Wish
It was Jesus’ last prayer that His disciples would live in a spirit of unity (see John 17:21). That’s why we used to be called, THE ECUMENICAL SISTERHOOD OF MARY. Back in 1947 this was highly unusual. The walls dividing the churches were so high that they tended to conceal how we viewed one another. Some years later, when the ecumenical movement began to include different religions, we changed our name to EVANGELICAL SISTERHOOD OF MARY.
We welcome recent efforts towards an ecumenical movement that unites Christians under the Cross of God’s Son.
Do you have any questions?
Why Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary?
Mary, the mother of Jesus, accompanied her Son in love and faithfulness from the manger to the cross. As Evangelical Christians, we want to give her the place she deserves according to the Bible (see Luke 1:48). With the words, "Do whatever He tells you" (see John 2:5), Mary expresses her unreserved devotion and trusting obedience. These words are binding for us too as we seek to follow Jesus in our own lives.
.... What is your relationship with the church?
Do you accept new sisters? And what are the requirements for joining?
If you are contemplating giving your life entirely to Jesus here at Kanaan and are between 20 and 40 years of age, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you. A longer time to get to know each other on Kanaan is important before such a decision can be made. More information is available upon request.
How can I please Jesus?
When I am always eager to hear what He has to say to me.
When I speak words of love to Him even in times of spiritual dryness.
When I bear witness to Him, His love, and His sufferings.
When neither cares nor sorrows can drive Him from my heart.
When, for love of Him, I gladly do things that I find hard.
When I bring Him my adoration in word or in song.
When I think more about His concerns than about my own.
When I do not forget the good things He has done for me, but count my blessings with gratitude.
When I proclaim in hopeless situations, "You are the Way. You have made a path for me. I trust You."
When I trust in His love in every situation.
When plagued by fear, I declare, "I trust You. You have conquered my fear."
When I declare during great inner conflict, "I will cling to You and follow You to the end. I trust in Your love."
When I say while very busy, "I love You, Jesus!"
When I seek only to please Him rather than win the approval, love and esteem of others.
From "My all for Him " by M. Basilea Schlink
"No love can make us perfectly happy other than love for God. And no faithfulness can give perfect bliss other than that binding us to Christ."
Sören Kierkegaard
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