… from a hectic daily routine? Kanaan is a quiet place for prayer, with nooks and crannies named after Biblical places and events specially created for time alone with Jesus. The Garden of Jesus’ Suffering especially is an open invitation to silent prayer and meditation.
Visiting Kanaan
Take Time Out...
Group Visits
School classes and confirmation classes, seniors, students and prayer groups … all are welcome to visit Kanaan!
Please write or call beforehand for a group visit with guided tour across Kanaan to learn more about our every day life and the story of our community.
Our weekly church service is held on Sundays at 9.30am in the Herald Chapel, usually with Holy Communion (using individual cups). You can also listen to the sermons (in German) on our Mediathek.
More information can be found under Events.
Questions we are often asked
Are members of the public welcome to join you for prayers?
Every day at 3pmwe have a short liturgical prayer (15-20 minutes) commemorating Jesus' Passion. On Sundays, we celebrate His Resurrection.
Thursdays 7.45 - 8.45 (German only): prayer for the most urgent needs in our city, nation and the world with intercession and worship before Jesus.
Friday 5.30pm Prayer of repentance and blessing for Israel.
Do you also do tours for individual guests?
After the worship service on Sunday, guests who are new to Kanaan are welcome to join in a guided tour.
Get in touch
Sister Lumena
Phone: +49 6151 53 92 0
E-Mail: reception@kanaan.org
Available by phone on weekdays:
9.30 - 12.00
15.30 - 18.00
Kanaan visit
Opening hours:
9.00 - 12.00
13.00 - 18.00
Heidelberger-Landstr. 107
64297 Darmstadt-Eberstadt
Please ring for admission!☺
First Impressions
Enter your name and email adress if you want to hear more about our activities at Kanaan from time to time.