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Summer programme

for young women

Helping on Kanaan

Kanaan Team for young women

Do you wish that you could learn to

  • Love Jesus more?
  • Trust your heavenly Father all the time?
  • Live in reconciliation and heal broken relationships?
  • If your answer is, Yes, the Kanaan Team could be the right thing for you!

Between April and October, we offer young women 18 years and older a chance to live and help us as part of the "Kanaan Team". This could be an ideal opportunity to deepen your spiritual life and widen your horizons. Christians from many nations come together in the Kanaan Team to learn how to follow Jesus in everyday life.

This year’s Summer Programme will be from 10th July to 6th August 2024.

Unser Sommerprogramm findet dieses Jahr vom 10. Juli – 6. August 2024 statt.

As well as helping with our work, the spiritual programme during these weeks is fairly intense. We will have times for worship, prayer and intercession, Bible study and fellowship at meal times with different Sisters of our community who will be glad to give you more insight into our way of life.

Everyone on the Kanaan Team will have a ''Prayer sister'' for sharing and prayer about personal issues.

Participants in the Summer Programme are expected to arrive at the beginning  and to stay for at least three weeks (if you can’t stay till 6th August).

What to expect

  • Fellowship with young people from different countries
  • Bible studies and talks on different topics
  • Someone who will listen to you with an open heart and pray with you
  • Times of praise, worship and intercession together


  • Practical help with our work in the community
  • Community prayer daily at 3 pm
  • Worship service with Holy Communion on Sundays

What did you always want to ask somebody from a monastery?

Carola Mehltretter is taking a bike tour across Europe and also stops by Kanaan on her way.

Questions we are often asked

Can I live with you for a while in the monastery?

Between Easter and the end of October, guests may join us for a time at Kanaan to help us with our work on a voluntary basis. In summer, we are joined by young women from different countries who come to help and to deepen their spiritual lives.

Can I become a Sister in the community?

We can’t answer this question in a couple of sentences. The most important requirement is a heart that burns with love for Jesus, then a clear calling from God and the ability to live in community. The age limits for joining us lie between 20 and 40 years.

Get in touch

Sister Liliane

Phone: +49 6151 53 92 0

Face to Face

Text: Sofia Westerberg, Sara Samir, Dina Kamel

Music: Sofia Westerberg

First Impressions

What our teammates say


''Find the love of Jesus and love him in return''

Life IN Christ: a secret, a mystery that anyone who longs for Jesus can explore to discover more of its depths, not just by gaining greater knowledge, but by learning to open the gates of the heart so that the King feels at home there and loved. What does it really mean to know Him, to love Him and to be there for Him? A verse from the Bible comes to mind: "We are the people of his pasture (Psalm 95:7) I think this is a good description of what the Lord did for us. He called us to Kanaan and drew us into His pasture where our food was more and more what the Spirit of God gave us How we longed to drink more of him and feed on him. We came here and Jesus was simply given space. If you ask me what moved me most about that time, the first thought that comes is "unity". We experienced it from the start although we did not know one another and we had no idea what the coming weeks would bring. 
And I am surprised. When I look back, I long to go back. Thank you Jesus!

Sarah, Deutschland

My time at Kanaan has exceeded all my expectations! When I arrived in August, I didn't know exactly what to expect, but was looking forward to experiencing life in a sorority, meeting new people, and hopefully deepening my faith. Six months later, I cannot describe what this time has meant to me, except to say that it has changed my life.

Meredith, USA

Thinking back now to the Kanaan days, I think it should be the same! With all the questions that were answered and those that were not yet answered, with inspiring people, conversations and stories. I will definitely come back again, although I don't know exactly when that will be.

Marie, Germany